سلسلة المحادثات

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين الدرس 9

السلام عليكم،مرحبا بكم في الدرس التاسع من دورة تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين.

سنحاول في هذه الدورة تزويدكم بمحادثات سهلة وبسيطة،من أجل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية اتبع النصائح التالية:

  • قم بالتعلم ساعة يوميا،
  • استمع للمقاطع الصوتية لمدة 3ايام أو 5 أيام.
  • ابحث عن صديق وتعلم معه ومارس معه الحوارات التي أقدمها لكم في الدورة.
  • تحدث لاتخجل من ارتكاب الاخطاء،فهذه ليست لغتك ،نحن نتعلم فشيء عادي ان نرتكب الاخطاء.
    والان ننتقل الى المقطع الصوتي:

lesson 91 computer problems
hi Jason sorry to bother you
I have a question for you
okay what’s up
I’ve been having a problem with my
I know you’re an engineer so I thought
you might be able to help me
I see
what’s the problem
I have a file that I can’t open for some
what type of file is it
it’s a Word document I’ve been working
I need to finish it by tomorrow
were you able to open it before on the
computer you’re using now
yes I was working on it last night and
everything was fine but this morning I
couldn’t open the file
do you think your computer might have a
no I checked and there weren’t any
I’m not sure what’s wrong
if it’s possible email the file to me
and I’ll see if I can get it to open
okay I’ll do that when I get home
are you going to be around tonight
yeah I’ll be home after 8 pm
send it to me when you get a chance and
I’ll call you later
lesson 92 do you know how to get
hi George do you know how to get
why are you going there
I want to buy a new computer
okay are you driving
go straight down this road
when you get to the second light take a
then get on the highway and take exit
that sounds really complicated
can you tell me again
which road do I take first
you go down this road then at the second
light turn left
that road is Main Street
okay I think I’ve got it now
why are you buying a new computer anyway
didn’t you just get one a few months ago
yes but it doesn’t work anymore
where did you buy it
at Walmart
I think your computer should still be
under warranty
you can bring it back to them and
they’ll fix it for free I think you’re
I didn’t think about that
I should go talk to them about it
where is the closest Walmart
it’s about two blocks from here
I have to go there to get some stuff now
do you want to follow me
lesson 93 did you see the news today
John did you see the news today
no what happened
there was a big earthquake in San Diego
oh my goodness
the president was on the news talking
about it earlier
was anyone hurt
I think they said two people were killed
oh that’s terrible
yeah I can’t believe you hadn’t heard
about it
they were talking about it on CNN all
day oh I don’t watch TV that often
don’t you watch the news no I usually
read the news online but I haven’t had
time to turn on my computer today
lesson 94 what’s your favorite sport
what’s your favorite sport
I like basketball
I watched the games on TV all the time
who’s your favorite team
the Boston Celtics
they’re really good this year aren’t
do you like them yes
everyone around here does
do you think they’ll win the
championship this year it’s possible
they have some really good players
did you watch the game last night
a little not the whole thing
I watched the second half though and I
saw some of the highlights online
it was a great game wasn’t it
do you know who they’re playing tomorrow
I think they’re playing la
that’s going to be a tough game
La has a good team
lesson 95 making a web page
hi Liz
are you working on your web page now
I’m still waiting for you to send me
that image file for the home page
do you mean you didn’t get it
I sent it to you over an hour ago
let me check
it’s going to take a second because I
have to start up my computer
did you get it
one second
I just have to open my web browser and
check my Hotmail account
okay okay here it is
I got it
how do I find the web page
I tried to search for it on Yahoo but I
couldn’t find it don’t use Yahoo use
I tried that also and it didn’t work
if you go to Google and search for my
name you should be able to find it
let me try that
I see it now
lesson 96 would you mind driving hey
Michael I’m tired
would you mind driving for a while
I would like to but I don’t know how to
don’t you have a license
I thought everyone had a license
no I’ve lived in cities all my life and
when I’m at home I usually take the
Subway or bus
I see
do you think you’ll learn to drive in
the future
I plan to buy a car next year
I think you need one in the U.S
actually now that I think about it a lot
of people in cities here take the bus
well I’d like to travel more
I’ve been here for a few months already
and I feel like I haven’t seen anything
how are you going to learn to drive
do you want me to teach you
no I wouldn’t want to trouble you
I’ve already signed up for a class near
my house
it starts next month
lesson 97 your English is so good
Thomas your English is so good
how did you learn it
well in my country everyone has to take
English starting in the first grade
I’ve been taking English courses for 12
years now
well that’s interesting
I remember when we took that trip last
year and visited your family
it seemed like there weren’t many people
that could speak with me in English
oh that’s because they don’t speak
English that much
but they speak it in school right
maybe they just didn’t like me so they
didn’t want to talk to me
no actually they liked you a lot
they told me they thought you were very
they are just shy
they’re not used to talking with
I remember when I first came to the U.S
I was really nervous about speaking with
I see
I thought there were lots of Americans
teaching English in your country
yes that’s true
there are probably twice as many now as
there were five years ago but they are
mostly in the cities
my family lives in the country
I wonder why
personally I prefer the country to the
it’s so quiet and peaceful
if I were to teach I would want to teach
in the country
do you think you would want to teach
I know the schools around my town are
looking for teachers so if you want I
can call them and get more information
no I don’t think so
I would need to stay there for a year
and I don’t think I can take that much
time off work
well if you change your mind let me know
I think you would be a really great
lesson 98 gifts
Dorothy what are your plans for
oh yes it’s almost Christmas isn’t it
I’m not sure what I’ll be doing then
well if you don’t have any plans your
family could have dinner at my house
that’s very nice of you thanks
have you finished your shopping yet
no I still have to do that
I think I’ll go to the mall this weekend
it’s going to be really crowded at the
you should shop online
you’re right
my family loves to read so I can
probably get them all presents from
what do you think you’ll get for your
wife probably a romance novel
it seems like she’s always reading one
of those
don’t you think you should get her
something a little more expensive like
jewelry or maybe a new computer
maybe you’re right
it’s hard buying gifts
I think my wife has everything she wants
maybe I should just ask her
lesson 99 election
Martin who are you going to vote for
do you mean for the president
I’m not sure yet
you should make up your mind soon
the election is next month
yes I know
I hear about it every day on the news
I’m going to vote for Obama
I think he is a good choice but I think
McCain would make a good president also
I know
they’re both good
it’s hard to decide
McCain is older but he has more
Obama seems to have a lot of good ideas
but some people say he wants to raise
I heard he wants to lower taxes
it’s hard to know what the truth is
that’s the reason I really don’t pay
attention to politics
yes it can be frustrating but it’s
important and it’s interesting to watch
lesson 100 book club
hey John can I talk to you for a minute
sure what’s up
I wanted to let you know about a book
club I joined a couple of months ago
I know you do a lot of reading so I
thought you might want to come with me
next month
oh that sounds like fun
when does the group meet
usually the last Saturday of the month
at 9 30 in the evening
is that too late for you
no I think that’s okay
what do you talk about in the group
well every month we choose a new book
and then during the next meeting we
discuss it
what book are you reading now
The Kite Runner
I’ve heard that’s a good book
what’s it about
it is a good book
I’m almost finished
the book is about a boy who grows up in
Afghanistan during the 1980s
it’s called The Kite Runner because the
main character takes part in a kite
flying competition
that sounds really interesting
I’d love to come
okay great
the next meeting isn’t for another two
weeks so you still have time to read the
thanks for watching
and please subscribe our Channel

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