سلسلة المحادثات

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين الدرس 5

السلام عليكم،مرحبا بكم في الدرس الخامس من دورة تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين.

سنحاول في هذه الدورة تزويدكم بمحادثات سهلة وبسيطة،من أجل تعلم اللغة الانجليزية اتبع النصائح التالية:

  • قم بالتعلم ساعة يوميا،
  • استمع للمقاطع الصوتية لمدة 3ايام أو 5 أيام.
  • ابحث عن صديق وتعلم معه ومارس معه الحوارات التي أقدمها لكم في الدورة.
  • تحدث لاتخجل من ارتكاب الاخطاء،فهذه ليست لغتك ،نحن نتعلم فشيء عادي ان نرتكب الاخطاء.
    والان ننتقل الى المقطع الصوتي:

lesson 41 visiting family
Tom your wife has a really nice car
it’s a lot better than mine and it’s new
where are you going
we’re going to visit my sister in the
I didn’t know your sister lives in the
city when did she move there
about a year ago
she lives in an apartment on 3rd Street
across from the public library
I see
it’s almost 5 PM now don’t you think
there will be a lot of traffic
oh we’re not driving
we’re going to take the subway
the subway only takes about 20 minutes
yes but it can be very crowded around
this time
I always feel uncomfortable taking the
I take the subway to work every day so
I’m used to it now
doesn’t your mother live in the city
yes she’s lived there for about 10 years
I remember when she moved there
Apartments were a lot cheaper than
I know what you mean
it’s hard to find anything that’s
reasonable now
have a good time
next time you’re free give me a call and
we’ll go play poker
see you later
lesson 42 the food tastes great
how do you like the food
it tastes really great
did you cook it
I made it this afternoon
would you like some more
okay just a little though
I’m really full
would you like some soup instead
what kind is it
tomato and rice
have you had that before
this is my first time
how does it taste
it’s good try it
what do you think
it is good
did you make that also
you’re a really good cook
thanks next time I’ll make chicken soup
for us
that sounds good
did you study cooking in school
no I learned by myself
I have a good cookbook that I read when
I have time
lesson 43 helping a friend move
Kelly will you help me take these things
to the car
okay which car do you want me to put
them in
bring them to my wife’s car
which one is hers
the blue SUV in front of the Honda what
should I take first
that chair over there but please be
careful with it
it was a gift from my mother-in-law
don’t worry I won’t drop it
wow it’s really heavy
I don’t think I can move it by myself
let me help you with that
I don’t want you to hurt your back
where are you taking all this stuff
didn’t I tell you
we’re moving to Florida
you’re moving now
I knew you were moving but I thought you
said you were moving next month
yes that’s true but my wife found a new
apartment on the internet the other day
and she wants to move right away
lesson 44 looking at vacation pictures
Jim I heard you took a trip to San Diego
is that right
yeah I just got back this morning
that sounds really nice
what did you do there
well we were only there for three days
so we didn’t do too much
we went shopping and went out to dinner
a few times
at night we walked around the city with
some friends
did you take any pictures
yes I have them with me
do you want to look at them
sure I love looking at photos
this one is of my wife and me on the
beach and this one is our daughter Emily
standing next to my wife
your daughter looks like her mother
I know they look very similar
where was this picture taken
that was taken at the train station
before we left
did you have time to go to the zoo
no not this time
we went there last time
it looks like you all had a nice time
yeah it was a lot of fun
lesson 45 I’m a student
Craig what do you do for work
I’m still a student
what school do you go to
Boston University
that’s a good school
what do you study
I’m studying English math and history
my major is English
how long have you been studying English
more than six years
that’s a long time
yeah I started to learn English when I
was in high school
no wonder your English is so good
actually it’s not that good
I can read but I can’t speak very well
I haven’t had a lot of chances to
I see
talking with other people is very
yes but I still don’t have many friends
here yet
I’m having a party tonight at my
you should come
oh thanks for inviting me
I’d love to come lesson 46 ordering
good afternoon how may I help you
hi I’d like to order some flowers
who are they for
they’re for my wife
her name is Samantha
what kind of flowers would you like
I don’t know
I don’t know too much about flowers
can you recommend something
what’s the reason you are sending her
today’s her birthday and she told me she
wants me to buy her flowers
do you know what kind of flowers she
I’m not sure
I know I should know that but I can’t
remember right now
well they’re for your wife so I think
you should give her roses
roses will be fine
what color
I think red would be nice
do you want to pick them up or should we
deliver them
can you deliver them please
what’s the address
241 Main Street
all right they’ll be there within two
lesson 47 leaving a message
hi is Heather there please
sorry I think you have the wrong number
is this 617-228-2289
who are you looking for again
Heather Johnson
Oh I thought you said Laura
sorry about that
this is the right number but Heather’s
not here right now
do you know where she went
she went to the store to buy some
would you like to leave a message
yes would you please tell her Eric
Martin called
hi Eric this is her roommate Kathy
I met you a couple of months ago at the
Christmas party
oh yes
how are you
Heather will be back in about 20 minutes
I’ll tell her you called
bye bye
lesson 48 talking about the weather
hi Tina it’s Joe
hi Joe
how’s the weather there today
it’s really cold
it snowed all day and the schools closed
what’s the temperature
it’s 30 degrees now
it was even colder this morning
have you heard what the weather is going
to be like tomorrow
I was watching the news a little earlier
they said it’s probably going to snow
I really don’t like the winter
I wish it were summer
me too
how’s the weather where you are
it’s not too bad but it’s pretty cold
here too
it was about 45 today and it rained this
I heard it’s going to be a little warmer
lesson 49 making plans
it’s almost Christmas
what are you doing this weekend
nothing special just working
why do you ask
well I still haven’t finished my
Christmas shopping
do you want to go shopping with me this
I’d like to but I’m not sure if I can
work has been really busy lately
why don’t we go on Friday instead
Friday’s not good
I think the stores will be very crowded
and I have to work
okay then let’s try to go this weekend
I should know if I can go by Friday
is it okay if I call you then
yeah that’s fine
what’s your number
233-331-8828 let me give you my email
address too it’s Henry gmail.com
okay I’ll talk to you soon
lesson 50 meeting a friend
hi Vicky
are you there yet
I just got off the subway
I’m almost there
sorry I’m late
that’s no problem
I just wanted to tell you I’m inside
where are you
on the second floor
should I come to the second floor or do
you want to come to the first floor
come upstairs
oh can you hear me okay
I said come to the second floor
oh okay
what are you doing there
just looking at some books on how to
learn English
do you want to get something to eat
no I’m still full from dinner
what do you want to do
I don’t know for sure
when you get here we’ll talk about it
okay see you soon
bye bye

تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين الدرس 4
تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين الدرس 6

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    جزاك الله خير الجزاء

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